Everything You Need to Know about TMJ

What is TMJ?

TMJ is the common term for the temporo-mandibular joint. TMJ dysfunction is also known as TMD and is a multifactorial disease.

Is it on both sides of the head at the point where the jawbone meets the skull, the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is used during talking, eating, swallowing, and other everyday activities. If this joint becomes displaced or is overworked it can cause severe tension headaches, as well as sharp pain in the jaw.

TMJ Disorder is most often caused by incorrect shaped teeth from either fillings, crowns or your natural mis-shaped teeth or bite issues. There is no formula to say that one treatment is best for your case, as each individual differs in the causes of their TMJ pain. Pain Free Dentist Sydney creates a personalised treatment plan for management of the TMJ disorder.

 Signs and Symptoms of TMJ Dysfunction

  • Jaw clicking

  • Dislocating jaw

  • Jaw pain

  • Tiredness from sleeping apnea

  • Earache, tinnitus or hearing problems

  • Headache (in temporal region) or migraines

  • Whiplash

  • Bruxism, teeth grinding or teeth clenching

  • Bite is off

  • Can’t open mouth to eat a burger

  • Can’t open mouth without clicking or dislocating jaw

  • Scalp tenderness

  • Myalgia (muscle pain)

  • Arthralgia (joint pain)

  • Neuromuscular pain

  • Difficult swallowing

  • Vision issues

  • Can’t chew food properly

  • Neck and shoulder pain

  • Swollen face

  • Lethargy

  • Tried many splints and does not help

  • Seen physiotherapist without prolong relief

Causes of TMJ PAIN

  • Bruxism

  • Clenching

  • Grinding

  • Bite issue from orthodontics or missing teeth

  • Trauma

  • Arthritis (Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis)

TMJ Disorder Jaw Pain Treatment Options

TMJ Jaw Pain can be caused by missing or misshaped teeth, fillings or crowns, grinding or clenching teeth. Pain Free Dentist Sydney offer a range of TMJ treatments.

Because TMJ pain can be diverse in diagnoses, getting the correct diagnoses is essential to lead to the path of treatment.

Sometimes, multiple issues can contribute to TMJ pain, a qualified TMJ dentist will look into your history, doing some test, X-RAYS to provide an initial diagnosis. If the pain continues, the TMJ dentist will look into other areas to investigate the issues involved.

It is not as simple as drilling a tooth and eliminating dental pain.

TMJ dentist will determine the likely cause of the problem to lead to solutions.

TMJ treatment can be as simple as Botox into the tight muscles. An occlusal splint or bite splint is required to provide some relief to keep the teeth apart whilst the jaw finds its equilibrium.

If there are issues with the bite and correction of the bite is required. Re-building of the teeth or as complex as full mouth rehabilitation with crowns and implants to replace missing teeth.

Or even orthodontic treatment if the bite cannot be corrected with the simple rebuilding of the teeth.

Sometimes, the issue is musculoskeletal, a Physiotherapist, Chiropractor, Chirodontic or Osteopath is essential in assisting the patients for postural problems.

If there is arthritis to the TMJ condyles, an oral surgeon might perform Condyle surgery as the joint has pathology or worn down.

TMJ Diagnosis and Treatment can range from:

  • Botox

  • Bite analysis and X-rays

  • Neuromuscular analysis and working on posture

  • Sleep Study

  • Muscle relaxant for clenching and grinding

  • Splint or orthotics

  • Rebuilding of correct bite

  • Maintenance of correct bite and long lasting solution

  • Occlusion splint therapy to relieve pressure off the joint/teeth

  • Modified diet to only eat soft food and do not favour on one side of the mouth

  • Avoid extreme jaw movement such as yawning

  • Physiotherapy

  • Stress management

  • Medication

  • Orthodontic treatment to correct your bite

  • Anti-wrinkle injections to stop clenching and relax jaw muscle

  • Other non-surgical intervention

  • Surgery management of other discipline

Treatment may also require all or a combination of the above, a consultation with the dentist is required to assist your pain management. Call us for a consultation on 9558 8988.


Anti-wrinkle injectables can assist in relaxing selected muscles that may cause your headaches, migraines, grinding, gummy smiles.


Located on both sides of the head at the point where the jawbone meets the skull, the temporo-mandibular joint (TMJ) is used during talking, eating, swallowing, and other everyday activities. If this joint becomes displaced or is overworked through excessive teeth grinding, a person may suffer severe tension headaches, as well as sharp pain in the jaw. These injections relieves jaw tension by making muscles unable to engage in the powerful, often unconscious movement of the jaw that produces headaches and pain.


Muscle relaxant treatment is available at Pain Free Dentist Sydney for Jaw Tension and TMJ. Muscle relaxant therapy is used as an alternative treatment for TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) disorders and associated jaw tension and pain. When injected into facial muscles afflicted with soreness and discomfort. The injection relieves TMJ and jaw tension for many patients. The injections often eliminate headaches resulting from teeth grinding, and, in cases of severe stress even minimize lock jaw.

Anti-wrinkle injections are made from a natural, purified protein in sterile laboratory conditions. Anti-wrinkle injections are strategically injected into specific wrinkle-causing muscles, creating an improved appearance. Anti-wrinkle injections relax the underlying muscles thereby smoothing overlying skin and causing lines and wrinkles to soften and prevents them from deepening and new lines developing in the treated area.

In addition to reducing wrinkles, another great benefit of injectable muscle relaxant treatments is the lift that they give to your face; taking away the appearance of tiredness and creating a more youthful, refreshed you. Headaches caused by muscle tension is relieved from these injections . Teeth clenching and grinding is also eliminated. Reducing the incident of broken crowns and fillings from bruxism and clenching.


Non surgical procedure that is quick, straightforward and effective. Patients experience noticeable improvement within days of their first treatment


Only the areas that are injected with the will be relaxed. Muscle relaxant treatment for TMJ therapy are localised to the specific muscle. 


Although dependant on the number of injections, it is reasonable for the treatment procedure to be completed within 30 minutes.

TMJ Disorder is a complex issue and the problem can range from simple to complex solutions. We find the cause of the problem, which can be incorrect bite, skeletal alignment, postural, muscular joint pathology or another cause that relates to the pain pathway that mimics TMJ pain. Each one of these causes will require proper assessments, investigation, correct treatment, therapies that could involve working with other allied health professionals. We highly recommend working with physiotherapists, chiropractors, naturopaths, osteopaths, oral surgeons, orthodontists, prosthodontists.


Is the muscle relaxant Treatment Painful

TMJ Treatment procedure with muscle relaxant are likened to a "bug bite" or "prick".

What to Expect After the TMJ Treatment

After the TMJ Treatment, heavily clenched muscle will start to ease off.

There may be mild temporary bruising, numbness, or redness around the injection sites. You will not look 20 years younger, but you may find that you look more natural and feel more relaxed.

What is the Recovery from muscle relaxant Therapy for TMJ Treatment Like

Because the treatment procedure is non-surgical and non-invasive, it is highly likely that the patient can return to normal activities immediately. However, to avoid spreading the toxin to other muscles, patients should not rub or massage the area injected with this toxin and remain upright for many hours. Physical activity should also be limited for a time.

Risks, Limitations & Possible Complications of Injections for TMJ Treatment. As with any medical procedure there are possible risks and side effects when using for TMJ treatment. Since this is a non-surgical treatment procedure, the risks and possible complications are infrequent, minimal and temporary. Muscle relaxant injection treatments should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation.

What does a treatment session involve?

During an initial consultation to assess your areas of concern accredited dentist will discuss the appropriate treatment options and the expected results. After your consultation, the injection treatment will take around 10 minutes to perform. No anaesthetic is required as this is a fine needle treatment and is virtually painless. The results will develop over the next few days and last for up to 3 months.

Patients suffering from headache that spreads from the forehead and behind the eyes region will require injections in these regions: Forehead Frontalis muscles, Glabellar Frown lines and the crows feet eye region. Generally the treatment takes around 10 minutes. Discomfort is very minimal, and no anaesthetic is usually required. After the injection, it takes 3-4 days for the treatment to begin taking effect. The dose recommended for the treatment of frown lines will vary depending on your individual situation and the severity of your frown lines.

Any surgical or invasive procedure carries risks. Before proceeding, you should seek a professional opinion from an appropriately qualified health practitioner.

How does muscle relaxant therapy work

Many facial wrinkles occur when we use our muscles to make repeated facial expressions. The treatments can be used to relax specific facial muscles that cause expression lines. Once the muscles are relaxed, you cannot contract them and continue to make those undesirable facial expressions. After treatment the lines gradually smooth and new lines are prevented from forming.

How long does this therapy last

The effect can last up to 4 months before lines slowly begin to return. If you have repeat treatments, the effect tends to last longer. Injectables will assist in reduction of grinding and hence reduce the jaw pain. Please consult your dentist on this, results may vary.

Does this treatment cause more wrinkles to form

This anti-wrinkle treatment will relax the facial muscles that cause expression lines. It does not cause more wrinkles to form. If you decide not to have further treatments your muscles will eventually return to normal activity and your wrinkles will gradually revert to their pre-treatment levels.

For more information on TMJ injections contact us

Over 30 year of experience in Dentistry in NSW DR. Lisa Chong is highly qualified with handling TMJ patient. Her clinic in Hurlstone Park, NSW Sydney gets a number of TMJ Patient every day.
According to DR. Lisa, patient with TMD i.e. Temporomandibular Disorders (myelogenous and androgenous) shows the following Symptoms :

1. Masticatory muscle hypertrophy* (probably secondary to clenching, awake bruxism, the habit of tic)
2. Masticatory muscle discomfort due to fatigue (maybe with or without pain)
3. Pericranial muscle tenderness or pain (considered a morning headache in absence of sleep disorder breathing or neurological condition)
4. Stiff, tight mandible with reduced movement and/or difficulty with mastication of food upon awakening
5. Temporomandibular joint discomfort or pain
6. Sleep apnea can contribute to bruxism and teeth grinding

7: Tongue tie issues which leads to muscle inbalance causing teeth and jaw misalignment and jaw pain.

8: Jaw clicking means there is a jaw dysfunction where the teeth are not meeting in ideal position. Say, one side of your jaw touching first or a premature contact of teeth touching.

9: Orthodontic issues with bite issues. Where patient that typically have orthodontic treatment and their teeth are not meeting properly. If you have finished your treatment and your teeth are not touching evenly, this could lead to jaw pain, dysfunction and even osteoarthritis if undiagnosed for a long time.

10: Whiplash from accidents that leads to cervical vertebrae changes, that leads to pain in the jaw. Neck pain can also trigger pain in the jaw due to proximity.

11: Hearing could also be affected as well due to proximity of structure and nerves involvement to the TMJ.

12: Muscular pain in the head and neck region which presents as migraines and headaches. Muscle testing and appropriate assessment is required to know the activity of those muscles and how to relax those muscles. Cervical pain can typically referred pain to this region.

Some dentist may work with other therapist and that is a good indication. As TMJ issues are complex and multidisciplinary approach is required to treat TMJ pain.

TMJ pain can be as simple as muscular pain, or joint pain or pain referred to the jaw from other areas. 

TMJ pain can also include headaches, migraines, earache, ringing ears, tinnitus, non-specific pain.

Neuralgia, Trigeminal Neuralgia and trigger point pain can also be present in TMJ pain.

Looking to get treatment for TMJ?

Call us now at 02 9558 8988 or email us at info@painfreedentistsydney.com.au to organise a consultation today!